~"law law luen",整個下午"痴住"部電腦check mails,差點忘了要作的重要事…
無他~ (請看CNN:http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2011/03/11/sot.tsunami.hit.japan.cnn?hpt=T1)
(P.S. 想起今天早上從小巴向外看,見到一架私家車背釘上一銀色牌,隱約刻著四個英文字:N-O-A-H(挪亞)
24:37 挪 亞 的 日 子 怎 樣 、 人 子 降 臨 也 要 怎 樣 。
24:38 當 洪 水 以 前 的 日 子 、 人 照 常 喫 喝 嫁 娶 、 直 到 挪 亞 進 方 舟 的 那 日 .
24:39 不 知 不 覺 洪 水 來 了 、 把 他 們 全 都 沖 去 . 人 子 降 臨 也 要 這 樣 。
親愛的神,求你開未信主者的心眼,早日認罪悔改信耶穌---before it's too late!
Dear Fan,
They are safe.
Sunny Lo
Dear Sunny, thank you.
Updated news this morning:
Dear Fan,
Updated news:
From: Larry.Mori@efca.org
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 23:24:16 -0500
Subject: We are okay after the earthquake in Sendai. Thank you for your prayers.
Hello friends and family,
We just got electricity back within the past hour and have been able to get back onto the internet, so the first thing we would like to
tell you is that we thank the Lord for His safety for those we minister to and for Gina, Bella, Timothy , Tiffany, and myself.
As the earthquake happened we were in various places, but were all praying for his protection as the earthquake seemed to go
on for the longest time and increase in magnitude. We are still living in our house although there needs to be fallen books put back in place and some broken dishes to clean up.
The concrete wall broken down to half it's size next to the road was our biggest damage, so fortunately no one was walking along it at the time.
We have not heard much information about the earthquake, yet but will soon be doing that. Electricity, gas and water has not been working, but the government is
working on it and as I mentioned electricity is now working again.
There are long lines at gas stations, supermarkets, and to obtain water, but it is available for a medium to long wait.
Please pray that this can be an opportunity for people to realize how fragile
their lives really are and that they may open their hearts to Jesus. For that reason,
we are thankful that we can be here.
We also can be reminded how much our lives are really in His hands.
Thank you for your prayers and concern,
Larry and Bella for all of us
Dear Sunny,
Thank you so much for your updated news. I did receive this post of you via my email, yet not appeared in this blog. So I reposted it again.
BTW, are you the brother (in blood) of Bella, who works at the airport?
1. 仙台森昇及佩虞一家
a.3月9日首次地震: 神保守森昇在雪地上的一場車禍及他們一家在餘震下可安睡。
b.3月11日地震發生時: 早上因一位慕道新朋友臨時爽約,佩虞和佩珍便一起派單張,在地震時平安駛車返家;當時森昇在教會預備講章,兩位孩子在學校裡,大家都很平安。
c. 感謝神! 在大地震中特別保守著教會的財物!
*在大地震中, 我家門外的外牆塌了一半, 幸好當時無人經過, 這已是我們這裡最嚴重的破壞! 其實我早有意把那幅牆改建作宣傳教會事工用途, 現在剛剛好…
*我們的家居也沒甚麼損毀, 只是不少書本被震至掉在地上, 也有碗碟跌下打碎了而矣, 最奇妙的是….
*教會是最平安的地方! 整個教會內的東西都完好無缺, 只有四樣東西掉下 – 紙巾盒、單張和兩個花瓶, 奇妙的是花瓶沒有碎, 還有其他很容易掉下的東西也沒事, 所以這幾天我們一家都住在教會!
感謝神! 在大地震前已為我們一家作好準備!
* 我不是經常有空買菜, 但大地震前一天我「剛巧有空」, 買了很多食物回家, 所以這幾天有充裕食物;
* 剛地震後起初還有食水供應, Larry很有智慧立刻儲水, 所以現在當人人都要排隊取食水時, 我們可以不用去輪候, 把水留給更有需要的人, 而且神還讓我們用這些水服事了一些鄰居;
大地震當天雖然風和日麗, 但仍有雪, 天氣相當寒冷卻沒有電力供應; 感謝主我們的暖爐不需用電, 所以在嚴寒中仍有溫暖, 哈利路亞
Dear Fan,
l am Bella's elder brother,but not the one who works at aiport.
Thanks for your concern.
Sunny Lo
Dear Sunny,
May I know how did you jump into this blog? Any updates from Larry and Bella?
Where are u, in HK or Canada?
Thanks for your updates before.
Dear Sunny,
Sorry, Bella told me that you are not his brother. Who are you?
Dear Fan,
God shows me your blog.l live in Canada.Bella usually calls me '法哥'.l don't use sunny to communicate with Bella,so she is confused.
The are heading to the north and they all are safe.Thank you all of you.
Sunny Lo
Dear Sunny,
Thanks for your reply. Just wonder:
~are you kelvin, who has just accepted Jesus with Bella, before she left Sendai (as Bella told me yesterday that her elder brother has just accepted Jesus)? How?
~ can you tell me how God shows you my blog and when was it? the day of the big earthquake, last Friday??
Anyhow, very interested in knowing your story.
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